
These two people make my heart explode every single day.

(yes, sometimes, my head, too)

Linking this with Julie and Greta!



Memories Captured is back!! Link up here with Galit and I from July 16 – 20 for a chance to win 50 Classic Stock business cards from moo! We can’t wait to see what you’re sharing with us this month!


Notes To Self: The 3am Edition

Mother and baby

I’m deep in the trenches of newborn-ness.

The endless cycles of breastfeeding, diaper changing, baby comforting, loads and loads of laundry, and night time wake ups.

The endless joy I feel when I look upon my sleeping baby who’s growing like a weed and looking more and more like a small person and less and less like a squished up version of a person.

The endless delight of taking pictures of said newborn whose hair always smells so delicious.

The I-want-to-pull-my-hair-out feeling when I get out of bed for a 3am feed and the baby decides not to go right back to sleep.

So to get through those nights, I need some notes to self, to ensure I don’t fall into the abyss of hating myself and resenting my innocent child who’s driven by biological needs and survival instincts.

1. This too, shall pass. And pass too soon.

2. Cuddling a newborn at 3am is a privilege, not a sacrifice.

3. Enjoy the quiet time when everyone else is sleeping (i.e. no one is fighting for your attention).

4. Middle-of-the-night-ness is the best time to think about writing ideas (hence, this post).

5.  He’s not going to need you forever. Soak. It. Up. Now.

6.  This is your last baby. Enjoy him. Enjoy it all.

What would you add to my notes?

PS: Don’t you just love my super short posts?


Coming Second

I am co-hosting a fun link up with Galit Breen of These Little Waves from December 5-9, Memories Captured. You have a chance to win a 16 x 20 Canvas Press photo print! More details here!


Dear Baby Scrumplet,

Do you like your nickname? I hope you do, your father and I plagiarized borrowed it from Roald Dahl, one of our favorite authors, whom you’ll have the pleasure of reading when you’re old enough.

You’re 17 weeks in the making now, and your Mama? Sucks.

I have only taken one belly shot 3 weeks ago, and have no idea when the next one will be.

I have not written down in excitement, any belly measurements or weight gain or new sensations such as feeling you move (and I did, at 12 weeks, you sure are active!).

I have not been very diligent with letting you ‘listen’ to classical music, or singing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ to you, like I did with your big brother when he was gestating.

I have not shown you off via my growing belly to my friends, as I’ve been mostly hibernating at home, having been hit hard by two flu viruses in the past 3 months, and having to care for your big brother.

I hope you forgive me, my dear one.

Because it does not mean I love you any less, Scrumplet.

It does not mean I am any less excited about you.

It does not mean you are not as wanted, because ohmygod, I dreamed of you long before you were conceived, my ache for your existence penetrating my very core, and when we found out you were coming, I cried tears of joy.

All this just means that I am now going to be a Mama of two, not one.

I am more experienced, I know what to expect and I know what to do (at least, I hope so).

I also have more on my plate, with your big brother at the stage where he needs me more than ever.

So know this, Scrumplet…… Already, I love you fierce. I love you with all my heart.

And I look forward to meeting you as much as I did your brother.

Your Mama.


Image source: ISLY


Linking up with

And, with lovelinks #33.

Did you feel the same way about your subsequent pregnancies?
