Today’s Guest Star rocks my blogging world in so many ways. She’s funny, tells the best stories about her husband and her son Chunky, is brutally honest about her battle with postpartum depression and her stupid gallblader. The beautiful and awesome Kimberly of All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something (she also wins for the longest blog name ever which I LOVE), helps so many with her encouraging words about fighting the beast that is PPD.
Kimberly also loves me the most awesome comments, and who could not love that?
I’m so proud to know her as a blogger, writer and friend. Thank you for being here today, Kim. Love your face.
1. When and why did you start blogging?
Shortly after my son was born, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. The illness created fiercely intense emotions that would sit in the pit of my stomach rotting away my soul. I needed an outlet so I began to write in a journal. On paper, my raw emotions escaped freely. It was extremely therapeutic.
During this time, I had been following an amazing blog by Katherine Stone called Postpartum Progress. Her words of hope and encouragement were like speckles of light in the dark pit I had fallen into. I craved those speckles every day.
One day my husband said, “Kimberly, you can do this too. You can help people with your story. Instead of writing in a journal, blog.”
So that’s what I did. I started my blog just shortly after my 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis, October of 2009.
2. What do you love most about blogging?
Hands down, the community.
Bloggers, complete strangers, stretched out their hands to me during the most difficult times of my life. They held be up when I was too weak. They encouraged me to fight. They prayed. They made me smile.
And they have never let me go.
I will be enternally grateful of those people.
My dear sweet friends.
Sometimes when we blog, we tend to think that our words don’t make a difference; that what we have to say is unimportant. But I assure you that your words have immense power to reach out to people in ways you never thought you could.
3. Any bloggers who inspire you on a regular basis?
This one is so hard since I follow so many amazing writers.
Katherine Stone from Postpartum Progress was the first blog I ever read. She’s a rockstar to me. She’s the strong voice fighting behind so many women who suffer this horrific illness. She is one of the most amazing people I know.
Galit Breen from These Little Waves
Katie Sluiter from Sluiter Nation. Oh my sweets. She is just awesome. She writes from her heart and I love that about her.
The Empress at Good Day, Regular People. Need I say more? She is the most genuine person I know, right from her head to the tips of her toes. She writes from that sweet spot in her heart which I admire immensly. And one thing I love about her is that she is extremely supportive of every single one of us who dares to enter the blog world. She rocks my socks.
For the funny I turn to Absolutely Narcissism, Funny Or Snot, Momma Kiss, and The Flying Chalupa. You are guarenteed to piss your pants when you read these blogs.
4. Is there a post you regret NOT publishing?
I am extremely transparent. If I write it, I publish it, or it sits forever in the draft folders where it dies because I never ever go and look at them. I should though.
5. What do you love most about being a Mom?
It’s amazing what a little mind can teach you. Love. Discovery. Pleasure in the simplest things. What truly matters in life. That poop comes in all shapes, consitencies, and colours. That food is an acceptable piece of art on the walls. That words such as “truck” sound so much funnier coming out of a toddler’s mouth.
6. What’s your favorite time of the day?
Not going to lie here.Nap time.I love my kid but I also love eating junk food without having him ask me for a piece or seven and being able to pee or poop in private.A close second would be bedtime.We read books and snuggle.What’s not to love about that?
7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Words can’t describe how amazing Hawaii is. I left a piece of my heart there on our honeymoon…
…and my virginity.
8. What could you eat every single day?
Ice cream.
This also applies to “What would you make out with every single day?” and “What do you love more than your husband?” and “What would you sell your child for?”.
9. Favorite season and why.
Contrary to popular belief, this Canadian loves summer. I know it’s sacriligious since Canadians are famous for iggloos and curling and hockey, but I can’t stand the cold.
And yes America, when I become old and wrinkly, I will be flocking with the rest of the “snow birds” to Florida where I will grace you with my sagging ass on your beach.
10. One word to describe you.
11. Explain the Chuck Norris obsession. Please.
2 words:
Beard hair.
I am one of 5 siblings.
We had one T.V.
Chuck Norris was on a show called Walker, Texas Ranger which aired on Saturdays.
We either watched it with my Mom or we were forced to play with each other.
We chose Chuck.
He’s awesome.
And my boyfriend.
12. You’ve written openly about postpartum depression. Any advice for moms out there who are struggling with PPD?
Believe in yourself.
Believe in your strength.
Believe in the beauty in your soul underneath all the muck this illness creates.
Believe in your worth.
Believe that you are loved immensly.
Believe in victory over this beast.
Most of all, believe in hope and hang onto it with all of your might. There is always hope. Always.
A dear friend of mine sent me this quote that I have plastered all over my house:
“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow” ~ Mary Anne Radmacher
At the end of the day, when PPD has worn down to your bones, I want you to say “Today, I won.” because you did.
Keep fighting. You are worth it.
Follow Kimberly’s blog, on Twitter and like her on Facebook now!