Guest Star: Kimberly of All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something


 Today’s Guest Star rocks my blogging world in so many ways. She’s funny, tells the best stories about her husband and her son Chunky, is brutally honest about her battle with postpartum depression and her stupid gallblader. The beautiful and awesome Kimberly of All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something (she also wins for the longest blog name ever which I LOVE), helps so many with her encouraging words about fighting the beast that is PPD.

Kimberly also loves me the most awesome comments, and who could not love that?

I’m so proud to know her as a blogger, writer and friend. Thank you for being here today, Kim. Love your face.

1. When and why did you start blogging?

 Shortly after my son was born, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. The illness created fiercely intense emotions that would sit in the pit of my stomach rotting away my soul. I needed an outlet so I began to write in a journal. On paper, my raw emotions escaped freely. It was extremely therapeutic.

During this time, I had been following an amazing blog by Katherine Stone called Postpartum Progress. Her words of hope and encouragement were like speckles of light in the dark pit I had fallen into. I craved those speckles every day.

One day my husband said, “Kimberly, you can do this too. You can help people with your story. Instead of writing in a journal, blog.”

So that’s what I did. I started my blog just shortly after my 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis, October of 2009.

2. What do you love most about blogging?

Hands down, the community.

Bloggers, complete strangers, stretched out their hands to me during the most difficult times of my life. They held be up when I was too weak. They encouraged me to fight. They prayed. They made me smile.

And they have never let me go.

I will be enternally grateful of those people.

My dear sweet friends.

Sometimes when we blog, we tend to think that our words don’t make a difference; that what we have to say is unimportant. But I assure you that your words have immense power to reach out to people in ways you never thought you could.

3. Any bloggers who inspire you on a regular basis?

This one is so hard since I follow so many amazing writers.

Katherine Stone from Postpartum Progress was the first blog I ever read. She’s a rockstar to me. She’s the strong voice fighting behind so many women who suffer this horrific illness. She is one of the most amazing people I know.

Galit Breen from These Little Waves makes me swoon with her words. I don’t know how she does it, but every single one of her posts sweep me off of my feet. Her writing is brilliant.

Katie Sluiter from Sluiter Nation. Oh my sweets. She is just awesome. She writes from her heart and I love that about her.

The Empress at Good Day, Regular People. Need I say more? She is the most genuine person I know, right from her head to the tips of her toes. She writes from that sweet spot in her heart which I admire immensly. And one thing I love about her is that she is extremely supportive of every single one of us who dares to enter the blog world. She rocks my socks.

For the funny I turn to Absolutely Narcissism, Funny Or Snot, Momma Kiss, and The Flying Chalupa. You are guarenteed to piss your pants when you read these blogs.

4. Is there a post you regret NOT publishing?

I am extremely transparent. If I write it, I publish it, or it sits forever in the draft folders where it dies because I never ever go and look at them. I should though.

5. What do you love most about being a Mom?


It’s amazing what a little mind can teach you. Love. Discovery. Pleasure in the simplest things. What truly matters in life. That poop comes in all shapes, consitencies, and colours. That food is an acceptable piece of art on the walls. That words such as “truck” sound so much funnier coming out of a toddler’s mouth. 

6. What’s your favorite time of the day?

Not going to lie here.Nap time.I love my kid but I also love eating junk food without having him ask me for a piece or seven and being able to pee or poop in private.A close second would be bedtime.We read books and snuggle.What’s not to love about that?

7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?


Words can’t describe how amazing Hawaii is. I left a piece of my heart there on our honeymoon…

…and my virginity.

8. What could you eat every single day?

Ice cream.

This also applies to “What would you make out with every single day?” and “What do you love more than your husband?” and “What would you sell your child for?”.

9. Favorite season and why.
Contrary to popular belief, this Canadian loves summer. I know it’s sacriligious since Canadians are famous for iggloos and curling and hockey, but I can’t stand the cold.

And yes America, when I become old and wrinkly, I will be flocking with the rest of the “snow birds” to Florida where I will grace you with my sagging ass on your beach.

10. One word to describe you.


11. Explain the Chuck Norris obsession. Please. :)

2 words:

Beard hair.

I am one of 5 siblings.

We had one T.V.

Chuck Norris was on a show called Walker, Texas Ranger which aired on Saturdays.

We either watched it with my Mom or we were forced to play with each other.

We chose Chuck.

He’s awesome.

And my boyfriend.

12. You’ve written openly about postpartum depression. Any advice for moms out there who are struggling with PPD?

Believe in yourself.

Believe in your strength.

Believe in the beauty in your soul underneath all the muck this illness creates.

Believe in your worth.

Believe that you are loved immensly.

Believe in victory over this beast.

Most of all, believe in hope and hang onto it with all of your might. There is always hope. Always.

A dear friend of mine sent me this quote that I have plastered all over my house:

“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow” ~ Mary Anne Radmacher

At the end of the day, when PPD has worn down to your bones, I want you to say “Today, I won.” because you did.

Keep fighting. You are worth it.


Follow Kimberly’s blog, on Twitter and like her on Facebook now!

Something Something Button


Guest Star: Bruna of Bees With Honey



When I first started tweeting again (I lapsed, that was pre-blog days), one of the first tweeps who continuously engaged with me and #FF’ed me every single week (encouraging others to follow you on Fridays, for non-Twitter people, was Bruna of Bees With Honey. Her blog posts are always warm and sweet like this one about friends, she generously shares her space with fellow bloggers in her weekly series, Let’s Bee Friends and she gives great tips on educational activities you can do with your children in her Mama Teach Us series.

She truly is one of the sweetest people I’ve had the privilege of knowing online. And I love her posts about her 3 beautiful girls! Say hi to Bruna.

I am beyond honoured to be one of Alison’s Guest Stars today. Thank you, Alison, for allowing me to hang out with you in your corner of the world. Your Guest Star series is one of my favourites.

1. When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging the summer of 2010. Back then, my blog name was Harmless Girl Talk. I started out on Blogger and when making the switch over to WordPress, I changed my blog name to Bees with Honey. Initially, I started blogging simply to document the life of my growing girls. My blog was mainly read by far away extended family. It was a great way to share photos and keep Grandma and Papa up-to-date on the goings-on in the life of their granddaughters.

Eventually, after finding and reading so many other blogs written by like-minded mothers, I realized that I could write about stuff other than what’s happening in the lives of my children. I wanted to write about myself but felt silly. Reading other blogs helped me to see that writing about me wasn’t so silly after all. So many mothers out there were doing just that. So, I jumped right in and since then, have not turned back or regretted sharing my thoughts and feelings with the rest of the blogosphere.

2. What do you love most about blogging?
There are so many things I love about blogging but if I had to pick just one, it would have to be the friendships I have made and strengthened over the last year. I never imagined I would establish genuine relationships with other bloggers simply by reading and commenting on each other’s’ blogs and via the Twitter. For this, I am grateful.

3. Who is your favorite blogger ever?
How cool would it be to pinpoint one blogger I love and adore above all others? I couldn’t even if I tried. I have found and grown to love reading so many Mommy writers that to even name a few would leave out so many that hold special places in my heart. I recently met a group of fabulous Mommy bloggers locally where I live for a Tweetup. It was my first TweetUp ever and it was an evening I will always remember and cherish. The girls I spent so much time tweeting and reading ended up being just as cool in person as they are on-line. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I will say; however, that the great Mama Kat and Truthful Mommy are two veteran bloggers I have looked up to since I began blogging myself. Mama Kat inspires all her followers and friends with her weekly Writer’s Workshop and Truthful Mommy took me under her wings on the Twitter and taught me the ropes as well as introduced me to so many of her cool friends. For that, I am grateful. There are many fabulous Mom bloggers out there who do great things and help newbies to feel welcome in the on-line world.

4. Is there a post you regret publishing?
I don’t regret anything I write about except that sometime I think I divulge too much detail about my feelings and life. I know I’m not alone in this because so many other Mom bloggers out there do the same. I have to be a little extra careful with my topics being a Catholic School Teacher. I don’t want to do or say something that could jeopardize my job or my reputation as a teacher. You will not find any swearing, bashing or name calling on my blog. This isn’t difficult for me as I don’t normally do those things in real life. The character of ME on the blog is pretty much the ME you get in real life too. No surprises.

5. What do you love most about being a Mom?
I had to think long and hard about answering this question because, truly, there are so many things I love about being a Mother. I love the simple things the most. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, cute faces, sweet giggles, hand holding and those words, “I love you Mom” are at the top of my list. Nothing beats having little people around who love; rely on and look up to you.

6. What’s your favorite time of the day?
My favourite time of the day is kiddie bedtime. What? Seriously, it’s the only time of the day I can finally sit down and take a break. Okay, besides that time, I’d have to say mornings are my favourite because I love waking up my girls with kisses on their noses and have them open their eyes and smile up at me. I especially love morning time snuggles. It’s the best way to start off any day.

8. What could you eat every single day?
This is a tough question. I have lots of every day favourites but if I had to pick just one thing, it would have to be Nutella Hazelnut Spread on toast with a side of vanilla latte. I can eat it for breakfast or as a snack at any time of the day. Yum!

9. Favorite season and why.
Summer, hands down, is my favourite season of the year. I am and always will be a girl of the sun and if I had to re-live my life from the beginning, Hawaii would be my homeland and I would grow up to be a total surfer chick and hang out at the beach every day. I would meet cute surfer boys and ride the ways. Maybe even become a professional boarder. Who knows? A girl can dream.

10. One word to describe you.

11. You’ve recently committed to getting healthy. Tell us how you stay motivated.
As far back as I can remember, I have never had to worry about what I ate. I was always slim and could pack away food like there was no tomorrow without the slightest worry of putting on a pound. Once I hit 40, my whole world crashed with the discovery of high cholesterol levels in my system. Levels so high, my doctor became concerned about my future. Since that moment, I vowed to take better care of my mind and my body. I committed myself to getting healthy and have tried to stay motivated along the way. How do I stay motivated? Besides the fear of dying young from heart disease, I would have to say my fitness savvy sisters really help to keep me eating better and working out. I look to them for encouragement and support and am grateful for the kicks to the butt I get when I get lazy and stray from my plan. They’re like my own personal trainers. Always checking up on me!

12. You started a wonderful monthly link up, Bee Beautiful You – tell us more!
I came up with the idea of BEE Beautiful You one day when I realized that we Moms spend more time complaining about ourselves than we do anything else. We very rarely celebrate how wonderful we are and how much we do for the people in our lives that we love so much.

I read a lot of blogs and often find that as Moms we are so hard on ourselves. As Moms, we set ourselves up for failure with such unreasonable expectations. It can sometime become depressing.

Bee Beautiful You was born to change how we see ourselves as Mothers. Bee Beautiful You makes every Mom blogger/writer wear their positive glasses and celebrate who they are as wonderful and loving caregivers.

Once a month, I write a post about something positive in my own life or about a person in my life I feel warrants celebrating. I invite fellow bloggers to join in by doing the same and linking up their post on my site for sharing. The linky stays open from Tuesday to Sunday – a week – and I encourage linkers to hop around and read other posts, leaving words of praise and encouragement.

Bee Beautiful You is encouraging and supportive – a venue for positive self-assessment and celebration. Everyone is welcome.

Thank you, Alison, for having me as a guest on your blog today. You are a friend and fellow blogger I admire and adore. Your friendship has meant the world to me over the past year. I feel blessed to have crossed paths with you in the blogosphere.

Thank you Bruna, for being one of the best bloggy friends I’ve met since I started MWT last year.  Do visit Bruna on her blog Bees With Honey, follow here on Twitter, Pinterest and like her on Facebook!

Bees With Honey


Guest Star: Tonya of Letters For Lucas


There are times in blogging when you come across a blog that makes you think, I like her, I really like her, because I can relate to her story. The first time I read Tonya of Letters for Lucas‘ blog in April 2011, I nodded and commiserated along with her about dealing with a toddler’s tantrums and feeling discouraged.  My heart ached for her when she wrote about dealing with the devastating loss of her parents. I laughed when I watched her funny vlog about her favorite outfit.

Tonya, you’re a beautiful mom and person, talented writer and a supportive, wonderful friend to all of us. Welcome to my corner of the world, and I’m so glad to have met you. Take it away!

1. When and why did you start blogging?
I started Letters For Lucas on August 27, 2009. Lucas was 2 ½ months old and my primary objective was to keep family and friends updated on his life. In addition to being a documentation of his childhood, I was desperate to find a way to maintain my sanity! So far it’s working on both accounts. The more I write and share, the more connected I feel to my role as “mommy”.

2. What do you love most about blogging?
I am constantly surprised by how generous and supportive the blogging community is. I have never met a lot of my readers in real life and yet they make me feel better than some of my real life friends do. I love that!

I also enjoy keeping the dialogue going so I respond to each and every comment and I’m on Twitter a lot!

3. Who is your favorite blogger ever?
That’s hard… I read 30 or so blogs on a consistent basis. My favorites are Sherri (Old Tweener), Poppy (Funny or Snot), Jessica (Four Plus an Angel), Coreen (The Adventures of Captain Fussypants & Little Miss), Jessica (My Time As Mom), Kirsten (The Kir Corner), Galit (These Little Waves), Nichole (In These Small Moments), please stop me anytime…

My favorite blogs are the ones that make me feel something; good or bad.

There are so many amazing writers out there!

4. Is there a post you regret publishing?
Nope, not a one!

There are some that I wish I could have written better, but none that I regret publishing.

5. What do you love most about being a Mom?

I am so lucky.

Lucas is such a neat kid. He’s smart, funny and so curious about everything. I could not love him more.

I love experiencing all of the firsts.

Lucas has his entire life ahead of him and I play such a HUGE role in the person he’ll be some day. He needs everything from me right now and that won’t always be the case.

I love being his mom; watching his face light up when he sees me, witnessing his character develop, the moment when he “gets” something and hearing him use “please” and “thank you” is such a thrill. All of it’s wonderful.

6. What’s your favorite time of the day?
Naptime and bedtime!

Just kidding…. I really love those moments when Lucas and I are truly connecting and he’s happy. When he’s happy, I’m happy!

7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
My husband and I met in Cabo San Lucas in April 2003, so I’d love to go back there someday.

Also, I want to show Lucas the Eiffel Tower. Paris is one of the most magical places I have ever been and for me, that tower (and the wine) is a big reason why.

8. What could you eat every single day?
A cupcake.

9. Favorite season and why.
I like Summer… I love warm (not HOT) weather, beach-y activities and bar-be-ques.

10. One word to describe you.
Sensitive. I have a hard exterior, but I’m really all mush on the inside.

11. You have a weekly series ‘Letters for You’ featuring guest bloggers. If there were 3 people you could write a letter to, who would it be and why?
If I could be guaranteed a response? My parents. They’ve been gone for five years in October and there is so much I’d like to say to them; thank you being the most important.

If it would be read and taken to heart? Myself at 20. I don’t regret anything per se, but I could have really used some words of wisdom back then, especially knowing what I know now.

If it were possible? The world. I’d ask it to be kind to my boy. He’ll work hard and is not above struggling, but I’d just ask that everyone who comes in contact with him, be as kind to him as I know he’ll be in return.

12. Tell us – any New Year resolutions?
Drink more water! I’m not kidding. Hydration is SO underrated and I am lacking!

I’d also like to put the phone down at night and pick up more books! Before Lucas, I used to read a book a week. In 2011, I didn’t even read a book a month.


Thanks so much for having me here today, Alison! You are one of the most supportive bloggers I know and this is an awesome series.

Thank you, Tonya, for being here today, the honor is mine. Do follow Tonya’s blog, Letters for Lucas, follow her on Twitter and Pinterest and like her on Facebook!

Letters For Lucas
